Fault notification form "*" indicates required fields Choose address*Start searching your home address and select from the listChoose apartmentChoose your apartmentThis field is hidden when viewing the formKustannuspaikkaInformation of the informantFirst name*Last name*Mobile phone*Email* Fault classification Apartment Common areas Outdoor areas A more detailed classification of the fault, apartment Electrical and antenna faults Home appliances Ventilation Water and heating Windows, doors and locks A more detailed classification of the fault, common areas Sauna facilities Staircase Storages Laundry room Clubroom A more detailed classification of the fault, outdoor areas Parking spaces Outdoor and playing areas Lawns, bushes and trees Snow removal Slippery prevention Electrical and antenna faults Lighting Electrical sockets TV sockets Mains sockets Home appliances Fridge Stove/Oven Cooker hood / hood Ventilation Cooker hood / hood Ventilation terminal Water and heating Kitchen faucet WC faucet Shower Heating, wet rooms Heating Windows, doors and locks Apartment door lock The front door of the apartment Communicating door Intermediate door lock Window Opening a window Window seals Window opener Sauna facilities Cleanliness of the sauna facilities Cold sauna on my turn The sauna door is locked during my shift Shower facilities Dressing room Lounge room Staircase The cleanliness of stairwells Stairway lighting The outer door of the stairwell Elevators Storages Cleanliness of storage facilities Lighting of common storage areas Laundry room Cleanliness of the washable Washing machine lighting The washing machine does not work The dryer does not work The machine in the drying room does not work Clubroom Clubroom cleanliness Club room lighting Parking spaces Temperature pole locking Electric car charging Outdoor and playing areas The cleanliness of the yard area Cleanliness of the play or exercise area Play and exercise equipment Bench Trash bin Lawns, bushes and trees The grass is already long Lawn areas Bushes Trees Snow removal The snow removal is not done The snow removal has been poorly done Machine snow removal Manual snow removal Slippery prevention It's slippery in the yard Room or space where the fault is locatedA more detailed description of the faultPicture of the fault Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 64 MB. You can enter the apartment with a universal key Yes No The apartment has pets No Yes, but they are not an obstacle to visiting the apartment Yes, you cannot visit the apartment without residents I confirm that the information I have given is correct* I confirm that the information I have given is correct I want a copy of the notice to my email I want a copy of the notice to my email PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ